Wednesday, July 31, 2013


Determination is the condition of being determined, and yet this is the thing that I do not have.

I'm always lack of determination to complete whatever I've started, for example, I learned piano when I was young, but never achieve the 8th grade. I learned Chinese Calligraphy when I was young, but my writing is a piece of art which is barely neat. I promised to diet and lose weight since a decade ago but my body weight never drop since then.

Where is my determination gone? There's a saying in chinese which is 一日討海,三日曝網。Which means today I'm so sure that I want to do this, but I will forget about it after a few days. This proverb suits me exactly, I think.

What should I do? How should I start? Maybe I should give myself a challenge, a 2 weeks or even 1 month challenge. I shall start now, I should remember that I will not regret of what I have done, but will only regret on what I didn't do when I can. Good luck to me! :)

xoxo Jen xoxo

Saturday, June 22, 2013

Penang inexpensive Western Food - James Foo & family Western Food Restaurant

* photo taken from James Foo's facebook page.
James Foo, as known to many in Penang, is a very affordable western cuisine restaurant. Many chooses to come here for a meal while catching up with each other's life. It is also suitable for family, couple, students, in fact, for everyone.

It is always crowded during the dining hour even until supper time, you might need to wait for a while to be seated but not too long as the capacity is quite big. It was almost fully occupied when I was there. Although it is packed with diners, but the environment is quite suitable for youngsters like us to have a gathering there.

* courtesy of James Foo Facebook page.

My boyfriend told me that the menus for lunch and dinner are different, so here's the menu for food during dinner time (I went twice for dinner). 

and for drinks:
There are normal and jumbo size for drinks, as for jumbo size, it is a huge mug that can be shared among 2 to 3 person.
Lime juice RM1.80

 Fresh mushroom soup RM3

Potato salad RM2.50

There are quite an amount of huge mushroom slices found in the soup, while the portion potato salad is unexpectedly large. I like both of them as I'm a fan of mushroom soup and POTATOES! Definitely must order as "starter". However, if you dislike onion, then don't order the potato salad.

 Spring Roll RM3.50 each
Spring roll is prepared and sold at the little stall near the entrance of the restaurant, we ate them while we are waiting for our meal to be served. Minimum order: 2.

Chicken chop RM8.50

Grilled garlic chicken RM8.50

Holland chicken RM10.50

Chicken gordon bleu RM11

Grilled chicken & pork chop combo RM11

 Grilled garlic fish RM9.50

Stuffed fish RM11

From the photos above, you can see that the portion of each order is quite large, especially the combo. The gravy are basically the same except that grilled garlic chicken and fish has additional garlic in the gravy. Stuffed fish is actually fish version of chicken gordon bleu, which there are huge amount of ham and cheese in the them. However, the cheese is american cheese (cheese slices that are smooth and creamy) while I would prefer cheddar or mozzarella cheese.

I noticed that there are a lot of couple who ordered stuffed fish to share among them on top of their usual plate of order, I think I shall do that too in my next visit!

Overall, James Foo Restaurant is a affordable western food cuisine with good services provided. I highly recommend for those who craves for western food but has a tight budget, just go to James Foo Restaurant and eat everything you craves for!

James Foo & family Western Food
21 Jalan Fettes Park,
11200 Penang,

contact number: +604-8993671

Opening hours:
1100-1400 daily
1700-2330 daily

homepage: facebook 

xoxo Jen xoxo

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Trust is the catalyst of LOVE

Pronunciation: /trʌst/

defination according to oxford dictionary:
[mass noun]
1. firm belief in the reliability, truth, or ability of someone or something: relations have to be built on trust.
[count noun]
2. Law an arrangement whereby a person (a trustee) holds property as its nominal owner for the good of one or more beneficiaries: a trust was set up.

[with object]
1. believe in the reliability, truth, or ability of: I should never have trusted him.

Trust is simple yet complicated.
A stranger asked you for direction because he trusted that you could give him the correct direction. You gave some money to the old lady begging around the food court because you trusted her that she doesn't have the ability to work and doesn't have anyone supporting her. These are the simple trusts that you don't even realize you are having them.

Trust is an important element in a relationship, the most basic trust is trusting your partner. We learn trust in our relationship, trust is built when your partner consistently keep their agreement. Most people doesn't trust their other half as their promises are usually not clearly stated or assumed. The other reason is that many people make agreements which they can't really keep. Hence, trust is betrayed when the agreements between the couple are not kept, causing lack of trust.

Many couples never make it past the most basic layer of trust in a relationship, which is trusting your partner. So learn how to trust your partner and also yourself in order to experience a romantic relationship and live happily ever after. :)

Start to learn how to trust yourself, others and your life deeply in order to live a better and happy life.

* pictures are taken from google, definition is taken from oxford dictionary and article referred from galtime.


Friday, March 1, 2013


My friend feels that my boyfie is quite similar to 林欣甫, she says at the first sight on 林欣甫, she thought of my boyfie. She said not the face of course, is the feel.... >.<

current favorite song in my playlist, 我恨我爱你, I think is the lyrics plus his sound and the way he sings that melted my heart, it's very touching and full of feelings, I really like it a lot!


編曲:Terence Teo

面帶微笑離開你懷裡 我聽天由命
最後一張王牌在手裡 二選一的機率
不能放縱愛你 就放過自己

愛情已經過了甜蜜期 多說也是無益
愛不愛我已經沒關係 一點小傷而已
你可以很放心 我不會為了留你 假裝可憐兮兮

都怪我太不爭氣 我恨我愛你
Oh~ 我愛你 只是因為你是你
Oh~ 我恨你

你有我數也數不盡你的 新戀情

你有我數也數不盡你的 新戀情 沒關係

我恨你最後那一句~ 我愛你
